Natalie Hammond from Lampasas, Texas, tears around the course’s second barrel on her horse, Mesa, during barrel racing at the Dripping Springs Fair...
A trick rider performs during the Blanco County Rodeo in Johnson City, Texas on Saturday, August 17th, 2019. Did I mention how dark the Johnson City arena...
Here’s a shot from another recent event I covered in Dripping Springs. A couple of weeks ago was the annual Red Arena Roundup, a fundraiser for our local...
I loved the determination on this rodeo cowboy’s face as he hung on tight during his ride in the saddleback bronco competition at Wimberley Rodeo...
We had a great time attending Rodeo Austin last night. The rodeo events were as fun as ever and the music was provided by Andy Grammer who has recently...
One of the competitors in yesterday’s barrel racing competition at Dripping Springs Ranch Park rounds the second barrel at full speed.
At today’s monthly 4-H photography group meeting, I introduced the kids to action photography when we visited Dripping Springs Ranch Park to shoot...
Drew got a chance to ride a genuine motorcycle last weekend while we were at Circuit of the Americas for MotoGP thanks to Yamaha and a kids’ demo...