I’m working from Santa Fe, New Mexico this week, having driven up from Austin yesterday. As I was driving north on route 285, a dramatic storm was forming...
A storm passes over the area above Green Canyon in Canyonlands National Park, Utah.
NxNW 2022 is on and this year we’re reprising our 2021 visit to Utah. This image was taken during our sunset shoot last night. In it, a storm rumbles...
Some pop-up storms rolled over Pensacola Beach on the morning of August 18th as I was walking around with my cameras. This is an infra-red view showing...
I was going to post another of the Atlanta skyline images from a couple of days back but we’re now taking a few days vacation in Pensacola Beach,...
I headed into downtown Austin last Wednesday evening to take some portraits in front of the skyline. We were racing to finish before a thunderstorm arrived...
A Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) sits in a snow- and ice-covered mountain juniper tree during the week long winter storm that hit Texas in February...
A group of Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) puffed up to retain warmth, perch in the top of a tree during the Texas snowstorm of February 2021.
My wife and son walk along the compacted snow on Wildwood Hills Lane during the major winter storm that hit Texas during the 3rd week of February, 2021....
This week’s posting schedule was rather disrupted by the historic winter storm that hit Texas last weekend. Things started going south for us on Sunday...
I’ve not used my infra-red camera for at least a year so it was fun to pull it out today and get reacquainted with it. This was taken at my in-laws’...
A rain storm over the mountain range in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.
This derelict cabin in Grand Tetons National Park is often know as “Shane’s Cabin”. It appeared as a set from the classic western “Shane”...
The weather was generally gorgeous during our Tetons trip but, on the last afternoon, storms rolled in and changed the atmosphere completely. I shot a few frames...
This picture represents day 2 in my 5 Day Black and White challenge from James Howe. Our first shooting stop on the Saturday of the Maine trip was at Nubble...
The storm that delayed my travel up here to the north east appears to have arrived here just after me and we were treated to a grey, drizzly, windy day yesterday...