The core of Austin’s Congress Avenue seen after sunset on July 27th, 2024. The building in the centre is the Frost Bank Tower and the tall building...
Last night, while wandering through my Lightroom catalog, I discovered a trove of unprocessed images from a trip I took to Taiwan in 2013. This image shows...
Austin’s 2nd Street district has changed beyond all recognition in the last decade. New high-rises are popping up everywhere and it has been transformed...
I thought I would take a look at the very bottom of my Lightroom “Good pictures not on the photoblog” collection and this image popped out....
Facebook recently reminded me that it has been 3 years since I visited Taiwan so here’s one of the shots I took while there. This shows the National...
Guards at Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan. This is a shot from my fantastic trip to Taiwan in August, 2013.
I spent a very pleasant evening this week with Jim Nix. It had been ages since we had last got together so we had plenty of news to catch up on. We started...
The city of Taipei seen at sunset from a vantage point on the roof of the Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. I took this during my trip to Taiwan in August,...
While wandering through the archives this morning, I came across this shot of Taipei 101, once the world’s tallest building, which I took during...
I can’t think of any more iconic sight in the city of Seattle, Washington, than the Space Needle seen here from Kerry Park. The 605-foot tower was privately...
The downtown Austin skyline is changing pretty dramatically these days. After a three or four year lull in construction activity, things have picked up again...