Word war II era bombers B-24 Diamond Lil and B-25 Yellow Rose sit on the apron at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas on October 1st, 2022. Yellow Rose...
A view of the aft fuselage interior and the tail gunner’s position in B24 Liberator “Diamond Lil” as she flew over central Texas on October...
The starboard propellor of B-24 “Diamond Lil” seen at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas on October 1st, 2022 during the Commemorative Air Force...
Commemorative Air Force pilot Al Benzing sits in the cockpit of B-24 Liberator “Diamond Lil” at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas during her stop...
I checked another item off my bucket list yesterday with a flight in one of only two remaining airworthy World War 2 era B-24 Liberators. “Diamond...