This old truck is parked next to highway 290 just east of Fredericksburg, Texas. Our previous president appears to have a great deal of support in that...
Some “welcome” signs on sale at Fredericksburg Trade Days during our visit a week or so ago.
We dropped in on Fredericksburg Trade Days, a large, monthly flea market, during our trip out there recently. In addition to traders in booths inside the 7 permanent...
This is another picture of the rusty Cadillac that guards the entrance to the Hye Cider Company on route 290 just outside Johnson City, Texas.
An unanticipated highlight of our trip to Fredericksburg was a visit to the Hye Cider Company on the way home. We had passed their sign on many earlier...
This gnarly old Cadillac marks the entrance to Hye Cider Company on route 290 just outside Johnson City, Texas.
Nikki and I spent a lovely couple of days in Fredericksburg this past weekend. It wasn’t a photography trip but I took one camera and a single prime...
I’ll be out at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area near Fredericksburg tonight, hoping to catch some clear skies and good stars. Although I’ve...
A Turkey Vulture (cathartes aura) seen soaring in front of the granite batholith of Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg, Texas.
Two main hills can be found in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. This view shows “Little Rock” as seen from a location close to the summit...
Life on a solid granite block can’t be easy but wherever puddles of water gather, you’ll find these little island ecosystems hanging on to Enchanted...
A Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) soars in front of Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg, Texas.
Enchanted Rock or, to give it its full title, “Enchanted Rock State Natural Area“, is a huge, pink granite batholith situated about 3o minutes...