Word war II era bombers B-24 Diamond Lil and B-25 Yellow Rose sit on the apron at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas on October 1st, 2022. Yellow Rose...
A view of the aft fuselage interior and the tail gunner’s position in B24 Liberator “Diamond Lil” as she flew over central Texas on October...
The starboard propellor of B-24 “Diamond Lil” seen at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas on October 1st, 2022 during the Commemorative Air Force...
Commemorative Air Force pilot Al Benzing sits in the cockpit of B-24 Liberator “Diamond Lil” at San Marcos Regional Airport, Texas during her stop...
I checked another item off my bucket list yesterday with a flight in one of only two remaining airworthy World War 2 era B-24 Liberators. “Diamond...
The tail gun of historic B-24 Liberator “Diamond Lil” which visited San Marcos, Texas as part of the 2021 AirPower History Tour on October...
Joining “Fifi” for the recent 2021 AirPower History Tour visit to San Marcos, Texas on October 3rd, 2021, we also had B-24 Liberator “Diamond...