Here’s another image from Santa Fe’s Meow Wolf attraction. The show here is called “House of Eternal Return” with visitors starting...
Santa Fe’s Meow Wolf exhibit is a weird and wonderful trip through a large collection of immersive art installations and a thoroughly fascinating...
A view of the interior of the rotunda dome in the Texas State Capitol in Austin. The was taken during a behind-the-scenes Capitol tour I took in December...
While looking through unpublished pictures today, I stumbled upon several shots taken during a special, behind the scenes tour of the Texas State Capitol...
I’ll end this series of pictures taken during our trip to Wonderspaces, Austin last weekend with another image of the “The Last Word”...
An abstract image of a section of “Sweet Spot”, an art installation by Shawn Causey and Mark Daniell at Wonderspaces Austin. 19 miles of coloured...
Attendees examine an art installation of light and patterns called “DAYDREAM v.2” by NONOTAK Studio at Wonderspaces Austin.
The largest installation at Wonderspaces Austin is “Submergence” by Squidsoup. This is a cuboidal space filled with an array of over 8000 individually...
“Body Paint”, an installation by Memo Akten at Wonderspaces Austin, uses a camera to track the movement of attendees in front of a wall-sized...
Yesterday evening, we visited the Wonderspaces exhibit in Austin with some friends. I didn’t have much idea of what to expect but it ended up being...
A fisheye image of downtown Austin, Texas on a foggy December morning in 2022. This picture was taken from one of the outside viewing galleries at the top of the Texas...
A spiral staircase leading between two of the upper levels inside the rotunda of the Texas State Capitol building in Austin. This is the tiny, high up staircase...
A view to the floor of the rotunda in the Texas State Capitol in Austin taken from the spiral staircase in the top section of the dome.
I was very fortunate to take part in a behind-the-scenes tour of the Texas State Capitol dome last Friday with other members of the Photographers of Dripping...