Staying with the theme of birds in flight, here’s another image I took while stalking the Black Skimmers on Cocoa Beach last week. This was taken...
An aerial image taken early in the morning at Moonscape Overlook near Hanksville, Utah on November 7th, 2021 during that year’s NxNW expedition to the desert...
A farm near Colfax in the Palouse region of Washington state seen very shortly after sunrise from Steptoe Butte State Park.
I’m leaving Austin behind this week and delving back into the archives and our 2015 NxNW expedition to the Palouse region of Washington state. We were...
The Austin skyline and Texas State Capitol seen in the early morning of July 16th, 2023 from a position above Waterloo Park.
The University of Texas Erwin Center was home to the Longhorn basketball teams from 1977 to 2022 and the venue of choice for many large, touring rock shows...
Here’s a slightly more conventional skyline image of Austin, Texas taken about two hours after yesterday’s picture from a location just north...
This was about as good as the sunrise light got yesterday morning as I flew the drone to capture some skyline images from the east of downtown. While the sky isn’t...
Staying in my NxNW 2016 archive today, here’s another image from Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. This was taken before sunrise at one of the park’s...
Time for another dive into the archives. I was looking through some pictures taken in National Parks this morning so thought it would be fun to post a few of those...
Another of my favourite spots visited during both of our previous NxNW Utah expeditions is Moonscape Overlook (or Skyline View as it is sometimes known)...
This aerial view was taken a couple of miles from yesterday’s location at sunrise the following morning, October 6th, 2022. It shows Factory Butte...
Heading west from Kansas today, here’s an image from last year’s NxNW expedition to Utah. This image of several buttes near Hanksville was taken...
I’m enjoying looking through my collection of unprocessed drone images for new abstracts so here’s another one from my 2021 trip to Utah. This...
A view from the top of the cliffs at Moonscape Overlook near Hanksville, Utah, taken during our NxNW 2022 sunrise shoot on October 6th last year.
An early morning image of Factory Butte near Hanksville, Utah, taken from a drone hovering over the eroded landscape below Moonscape Overlook.
Another favourite location that we revisited during our October NxNW trip to Utah was Moonscape Overlook (also known as Skyline View) near Hanksville....
What a difference 25 minutes can make! Light changes quickly around sunrise and sunset as can be seen in today’s picture of Factory Butte which was taken...
This image of Factory Butte near Hanksville, Utah, was taken shortly before sunrise on October 5th, 2022.
Two photographers wait for sunrise at Marlboro Point near Moab, Utah on the morning of October 4th, 2022.