A highlight of the Great Texas Airshow was seeing these two aircraft flying in formation. The Lockheed F-35 Lightning II represents the pinnacle of modern aircraft technology – 1200mph, 50,000 foot operating ceiling, 1700 mile range, advanced, fly-by-wire avionics, and advanced stealth materials and design. Its predecessor from the World War II era, equally impressive at the time, was the North American P-51 Mustang, capable of 440mph with an operating ceiling of 41,900 and range of 1650 miles when fitted with external tanks, controlled by wires and pulleys. This pair is a remarkable illustration to me of how quickly technology has evolved, their development spanning barely a single lifetime.
Find all my pictures from the show at https://davewilson.smugmug.com/Events/Great-Texas-Air-Show-2024 .
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