An Air Tractor AT-502 crop duster from TLC Flying of Colfax, Washington working on one of the Palouse’s many wheat fields.
The textures produced by side light on undulating hills covered in wheat are mesmerizing. Add a few parallel tractor tracks and it gets even better (to me, at least)....
The Seattle shot I posted a few days ago was taken from the very top of this building – the University of Washington tower. We stayed in a hotel...
This is another view from Steptoe Butte State Park in Washington’s Palouse region. The rolling hills really do look amazing from up there if you are fortunate...
Back to the Palouse today with this image of a section of barn roof. We spent a fascinating hour or so photographing in and around this fantastic round...
We bumped into this large and rather excellent fountain in Seattle Center next to the Space Needle and I shot a few frames. After a few minutes, music...
During our NxNW2015 trip, we spent the first day and night in Seattle and were very fortunate to be invited to visit the top floor of the University of Washington...
We’ll stay with the Space Needle today. One of the challenging things about shooting popular landmarks is finding some way to capture the scene that...
The Space Needle was built for the 1962 Worlds’ Fair and was, at that time, the tallest building west of the Mississippi. It’s elevators take...
I’m a sucker for light wrapping round curved surfaces so this grain silo in Uniontown was a no-brainer when I saw it shortly after sunrise. We were...
While visiting Seattle Center recently, I was very pleasantly surprised to find a Frank Gehry-designed building in the shape of the EMP (“Experience...
Seen on the side of a building in Colfax, Washington where we stopped for breakfast at the excellent Top Notch Café a couple of mornings during our photo...
I can’t think of any more iconic sight in the city of Seattle, Washington, than the Space Needle seen here from Kerry Park. The 605-foot tower was privately...
I’ve still not found time to properly go through the hundreds of exposures I shot during our two shoots, sunrise and sunset last Friday, at Steptoe...
Yesterday’s image may show a lot of detail in the crop duster we photographed but I prefer this somewhat-more-artistic shot. No separation problems...
While in the Palouse, we saw quite a few crop dusters in operation. Dusting fields in other parts of the country may seem pretty straightforward but to do the job in the rolling...
This derelict and decaying farmhouse on Weber Road in the Palouse is apparently a popular attraction for photographers visiting the area. When we went...
Our annual NxNW photoblogger trip is underway! Most of us arrived yesterday afternoon and spent the time wandering around downtown. After a leasurely dinner...